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ETECH-41 Advanced AutoCAD (3 Credits)
Presents a second-level AutoCAD and first-level mechanical drafting course. Includes an introduction to the computer-aided design of mechanical drawings, detailing the fabrication of mechanical parts, technical sketching, multi-view orthographics, section views, auxiliary views, 3D modeling, dimensioning, and an introduction to computer-aided manufacturing. Some of the class hours for this course may be scheduled as To Be Arranged (TBA). May be offered in a distance-learning format.Requisites and Advisories:Recommended preparation: ETECH-24 (Introduction to AutoCAD) - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Offered:Spring Only -
ETECH-80S Special Studies I (1 to 4 Credits)
No description available.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Not Currently Offered -
ETECH-130 Intro to Creo (3 Credits)
Covers an introduction to the fundamental operating principles of the Creo and Solidworks software applications.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Spring Only -
ETECH-24 Intro to AutoCAD (3 Credits)
Introduces the fundamental operating principles of AutoCAD drafting/design software. Recommended Preparation: CABT 106.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Fall and Spring -
ETECH-40 3D Animation (3 Credits)
Introduces theories and techniques of 3D computer animation. Includes an introduction to 3D model construction, animation, rigging, simulation, motion capture, and rendering. Transfers to CSU; UC, with limits: ETECH 40 and ETECH 43 combined maximum credit, 3 units.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Fall and Spring -
ETECH-43 Intermediate 3D Animation (3 Credits)
Presents a second-level course in the use of 3D animation software to create animation using 3D computer models. Prerequisite: ETECH 40. Transfers to CSU; UC, with limits: ETECH 40 & 43 combined maximum credit, 1 course.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Fall Only -
ETECH-60 Architecture/Green Design-A (3 Credits)
Provides an overview of the field of architectural drafting and green design for those interested in pursuing this occupational area of study. Includes an introduction to the professional fields of architecture, engineering, city planning, and landscape architecture.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Every Other Year -
ETECH-61 Architecture/Green Design-B (3 Credits)
Presents an introduction to green architectural drafting/design with an emphasis on drafting construction details, and the application of green construction processes/materials.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Every Other Year -
ETECH-75 Bim, Revit, and Architecture (3 Credits)
Introduces multiple industry standard Building Information Modeling (BIM) software programs found in the architecture profession. Recommended Preparation: CABT 106 or equivalent skills.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Fall Only -
ETECH-131 Intermediate Creo (3 Credits)
Covers intermediate-level operating principles of the Creo and Solidworks software applications. Uses Creo and Solidworks for Windows to create and revise drawings. The second of a two part Creo and Solidworks course series. Some of the class hours for this course may be scheduled as To Be Arranged (TBA). May be offered in a distance-learning format.Requisites and Advisories:Recommended preparation: ETECH-130 (Introduction to Creo and Solidworks) - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Offered:Fall Only, Every Other Year -
ETECH-31 Introduction to Electronics (3 Credits)
Presents the use of computer aided drafting software for the design of electronic diagrams, including schematics, wiring diagrams, block diagrams, and printed circuit fabrication drawings. Includes instruction on symbol creation, symbol library maintenance and hands-on basic electronics.Requisites and Advisories:Recommended preparation: ETECH-24 (Introduction to AutoCAD) - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Offered:Spring Only -
ETECH-62 Architecture/Green Design-C (3 Credits)
Covers intermediate topics in AutoCAD-based green architectural drafting techniques/practices, including wood construction methods/processes, preparation of construction documents, site plans, floor plans, sections, elevations, and specifications. Some of the class hours for this course may be scheduled as To Be Arranged (TBA). May be offered in a distance-learning format.Requisites and Advisories:Recommended preparation: ETECH-24 (Introduction to AutoCAD) - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Offered:Every Other Year -
ETECH-110 Civil/Land Develop (3 Credits)
Covers advanced design concepts for land development/facilities management projects, including interpretation of field-collected data for developing topographic maps, terrain modeling, slope, aspect, profiles, and cross sections. Also includes creating and modifying object data and topologies for use in GIS, facilities management, and multi-drawing editing environments. Some of the class hours for this course may be scheduled as To Be Arranged (TBA). May be offered in a distance-learning format.Requisites and Advisories:Prerequisite: ETECH-24 (Introduction to AutoCAD) - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
Offered:Not Currently Offered -
CJ-41 Narcotics Id and Enfor (3 Credits)
Studies the identification of narcotics and intermediate types of narcotic investigations; includes licensed personnel, prescriptions, sales, search warrants, and surveillance.Requisites and Advisories:NoneOffered:Not Currently Offered -
ART-41 Figure Painting (1 to 3 Credits)
Provides observational study from the model, both nude and clothed, as well as the use of source materials to develop figure-based paintings. Historical and contemporary currents in figurative art will be presented. Opaque painting media will be used. May be offered in a distance-learning format.Requisites and Advisories:Recommended preparation: ART-3A (Life Drawing I) or ART-31A (Painting I) - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Recommended corequisite: ART-50L (Gallery Viewing Lab) - Recommended to be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course, but is not required.
Locations:Aptos CampusOffered:Offered Some Summers -
CABT-41 Excel (3 Credits)
Covers intermediate features of Microsoft Excel, including creating and managing spreadsheets, charts, small databases, and simple pivot tables. Some of the class hours for this course may be scheduled as To Be Arranged (TBA). May be offered in a distance-learning format.Requisites and Advisories:Recommended preparation: CABT-110A (Computer Keyboarding-Alphabet Keys) - Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Recommended corequisite: CABT-106 (Introduction to Computers at Cabrillo) - Recommended to be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course, but is not required.
Offered:Summer and Fall