Cabrillo Spring Break System Outage Information
Self Service will be unavailable during spring break, 3/28/25-4/4/25. Please do any Self Service actions before or after spring break; students will be unable to register for or drop classes and new applications and transcripts will not be processed during this time. Canvas will still be available. Registration for late-start classes is open now. Please view the Outage Information page for more information.
Common Course Numbering Changes
Some course numbers and titles have changed due to recent state legislation. Sections scheduled through summer 2025 will keep their current course numbers. Beginning fall 2025, all sections will use the new course numbers. Sections can be found under the new course numbering: for COMM-1, go to COMM-C1000; for COMM-1H, go to COMM-C1000H; for ENGL-1A, go to ENGL-C1000; for ENGL-1AH, go to ENGL-C1000H; for ENGL-2, go to ENGL-C1001; for ENGL-2H, go to ENGL-C1001H; for MATH-12, go to STAT-C1000; for PS-1, go to POLS-C1000; for PS-1H, go to POLS-C1000H; for PSYCH-1, go to PSYC-C1000.